Flying Through the Air With the Greatest of Ease!

Gone are the days where you had to be born into the circus to fly through the air. This past week Events & Adventures Minneapolis took to the air and conquered their fears at Twin Cities Trapeze! In fact, nine of our members came out on Sunday afternoon to check an item off their bucket list and fly through the air.

We each took a turn climbing up a 20 foot ladder to the platform high above, and with our hearts pounding we jumped off into the air, leaving our fears behind. We were able to climb up and jump off about a half-dozen times each to perfect our tricks—or at least do what some said we would never do. By the end of the class, some members were even able to hang by their knees and reach out for a mid-air catch with the instructor!

The instructors were amazing and very helpful, especially with those of us who were a little nervous jumping off the platform for the first time. And even though most of our heart rates did not drop for a day or two, we can’t wait to get back! It’s just another weekend of excitement for Events & Adventures members in the Twin Cities.