Living Life to the Fullest in Phoenix

Last weekend, the members of Events & Adventures Phoenix went skydiving, and well, whether or not you were excited about jumping out of an airplane beforehand, it was sure to get your blood pumping once you got on that plane! The adrenaline junkies love this event, but it always gets you wondering what it is about the thrill of bailing out of a perfectly good airplane that makes a person want to repeat it over and over again. Every jump with Events & Adventures results in a member making skydiving a new hobby! Many of us struggle with the notion of finding something we are really passionate about as adults, but as members of the club, several of us have found the hobbies that truly feel alive.

As members of Events & Adventures, we have had the opportunity to skydive, hike all over the world, find wine that matches our palate perfectly, and discover the joys of trampoline dodgeball! With so much to do, it is easy to find activities you enjoy, but more exciting than that, many of our members have found that one thing that makes moves them more than any other activity, and many more have found that person to share those passions with.

During my time in Events & Adventures I have had the opportunity to see people terrified of airplanes actually go on to get their skydiving certification. I’ve seen some drinkers who used to prefer their wine from a box expand their palates to the point of taking sommeliers classes and changing careers. The opportunity has risen on so many occasions to witness the marriage between two people that had simply given up on the idea of ever meeting that life-long partner. When you spend time getting to know yourself, what makes you tick, and take the opportunity to try something new, it’s amazing what happens in your life. Once you have found what makes you put out positive energy, the positive energy returns to you.