Mardi Gras Valentine’s Day Party with Events & Adventures Dallas
For this year’s Valentine’s Day party, Events & Adventures Dallas celebrated with a twist as members experienced a Mardi Gras themed masquerade house party. When Valentine’s Day and Mardi Gras are in the same week, why not combine them for an awesome event? There was a lot in store for members, including a DJ, food, drinks and even a photo booth. Rather than stressing out on Valentine’s Day, the fun atmosphere of the party encouraged Dallas members to let loose and meet new people in a comfortable environment.
Over 70 people were in attendance and most everyone dressed the part for this festive occasion, wearing masks, bead necklaces, and other fun apparel. The DJ played songs commemorating Mardi Gras and celebrating the rich cultures and traditions of New Orleans. Additionally, there was a song request form at the sign in table so that members could dance to their favorite hits.
How could they stay in their shell when there was a conga parade winding through the house and around the yard?
The food and refreshments at this unique Valentine’s Day party didn’t disappoint; after all, it was a Mardi Gras celebration, as well! Delicious Cajun-style food was catered to the event, with non-Cajun food available to those that couldn’t take the heat. The famous frozen hurricane cocktails served in colorful take-home glasses were a highlight of the party. Members sipped on the lively drinks while watching the dancers go crazy or conversing with new friends.
A professional photographer was there to capture all of the memories, setting up a photo booth and snapping some action shots. Although the photo booth was Valentine’s Day themed, members showed off their Mardi Gras props and masks for the camera. In case they wanted to wind down, members could take a break from the dance floor and picture posing to watch the Winter Olympics being shown in the background.
Since the new members meeting took place beforehand, 30 brand new Dallas members were excited to experience this Valentine’s Day party as their first event
Not only did the new members get to taste the famous frozen hurricane cocktail, they also got a taste of what Events & Adventures is all about. It was the perfect time for them to meet the other members and enjoy a quality event. The Mardi Gras Valentine’s Day Party brought out the best in members, giving them an opportunity to share memories with new people and have the time of their lives.