Events and Adventures Terms of Service

By agreeing to these terms & conditions you understand that through this renewal purchase your original signed membership with Events & Adventures is being extended for the number of years indicated. This renewal membership begins at the end of your current membership access or (if your membership has already expired) on the date the renewal is purchased.

You understand that Events & Adventures will charge the card you have provided upon submitting this order and you authorize the company to do so.

All waivers and responsibilities from your original agreement will be enforced during any extension or renewal period. These months are in addition to the membership you already own. Since this renewal represents a sizable savings, full payment is required at the time of purchase for the membership. You understand that everything on your original membership agreement with Events & Adventures remains the same other than the additional cost and additional time being purchased.

This membership extension can be cancelled for any reason by emailing a cancellation request to or sending notification of cancellation in writing by certified mail.  After 3 business days this extension is non-cancellable.

If you have questions about our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, or the practices of the Events and Adventures Application, please contact us at 1-800-386-0866 or