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Spend Canada Day Weekend Right With Events & Adventures

Happy Canada Day!

Here at Events & Adventures in Vancouver, our Canada Day weekend started off with a bang!
We began with a potluck picnic (where desserts were the main course), played Frisbee, threw some balls around, listened to music, and spent some time with old friends and also made new ones.  We had a friendly competition of Canada Day trivia and finished off our night with an amazing fireworks display.

The next day we set off bright and early on an adventure to paddle board on Jericho Beach. The sun started shining about 20 minutes before we got into the water and the conditions were ideal. We had two instructors who were fantastic hosts and showed us what to do and what not to do. After a two hour lesson we felt like experts. We continued our Canada Day weekend with ice breakers and games on Saturday night. We got to meet all the new members who recently joined our Events & Adventures family and hang out with our old friends, too. We also enjoyed Bingo, Cards Against Humanity, Jenga and much more.

Sunday was all about cycling; we hit up a beautiful trail and got some exercise. Our wonderful host Katie (who knows all about the best sights in town) gave our members quite the tour. It was sunny during our Canada Day weekend, but forecasts say that the coming week is going to be a rainy one. Thankfully we have a slew of indoor activities planned, showing that when you join Events & Adventures there’s always something to do regardless of rain or shine.

spending the holidays with santa clara singlesphoenix singles club members at the trampoline park playing dodgeball