Nothing tops an E&A Halloween Party!

We had ours in one of the best spots… under the glow of the Space Needle at The Pacific Science Center’s Dinosaur Room.  It was really neat to have the party and dance floor next to these big animatronic moving dinosaurs.   Members really pulled out all the stops and went wild with their costumes. We had all sorts of ghosts and ghouls and creatures of all kinds, both sexy and scary costumes.  Freddy Krueger won scariest costume. Funniest costume was this squirrel guy and another person won for her costume of a huge Hershey’s Kiss!   I had on a Cop uniform and many members thought I was a real cop went they first walked in. “I’m just here to Serve & Protect”  J  

I’m shocked that the next morning we had 19 members signed up for a hike up by Hoodsport (the Cooper Creek Trail). I guess you just can’t stop our members. But I must admit it looks like it was a good hike.

We also did our Dark & Mysterious Wine tasting yesterday and that was a fun event. The owners of this great wine shop open up their shop for a private tasting just for E&A, they put out meats and cheeses and other delights for pairing with the wines. It’s informative but it’s also very social and the owners give us a discount on any bottles in the house when we are done ….I must admit I ended up buying a bottle to take home for the holidays.

Curtis Event Manager Seattle