Neon Bowling & Pizza Party with Events & Adventures Dallas

Since lately it has been pretty cold here in Dallas, we decided to get out of the cold and rain for a different type of indoor event — neon bowling!  What is more fun than bowling in crazy colors with your friends and eating pizza for an entertaining Saturday evening.  Bowling is a great opportunity for new and existing members to meet up, have a blast, and maybe even meet someone they make a special connection with.

We had a great group of 40 people for this event, evenly split among women and men and divided up over eight lanes.  In fact, we had one whole end of the alley all to ourselves!  Members arrived early and got their fantastically designed bowling shoes, giving them a chance to mingle before our lanes were ready and the pizza and sodas arrived.  Before we split up the group across our eight lanes, the pizza made its appearance and was gone in no time.

Neon Bowling is a Fun Way to Compete

Then it was time for the action.  You could hear everyone cheering each other on when it was their turn to bowl. There was both some fun and some slightly serious competition between the bowlers at our lane and the bowlers at other lanes in our group. We were all having such an amazing time bowling and mingling and getting to know the new members that were here for their very first event.  It made for a great mid-month event for the beginning of the year!  You could definitely tell that Events & Adventures Dallas was making its presence known at the bowling alley that evening.

~ Erica P, Member since July 2015

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