Meet New People While Embarking on New Adventures

It’s not summer yet, but the weather is starting to make it feel like it’s just around the corner. Last Saturday Events & Adventures members from the Bay Area enjoyed the amazing February weather as we challenged ourselves to work together on an outdoor ropes course at Fort Miley in San Francisco.

The combination of low and high rope courses enable participants to grow as both a team and individuals by exploring skills like leadership, communication, problem-solving, and coaching. The low ropes course focuses on collaboration; the challenges call upon every member of the team to participate, while the high-rope course emphasizes risk-taking, trust, and coaching. The challenges enable participants to expand their comfort zones, sometimes dramatically and recognize their fears while conquering them. The adventures we undertook helped us bond on a level that probably couldn’t achieve otherwise!

Everyone worked together with members they just met, or ones they’ve been getting to know. We helped each other leap over walls, shimmy across a line between two trees, and make our way from one plank to another while we were suspended in the air. It was a great day, but in a way, the day in the life of an Events & Adventures member!

Cassie & Her Husband