Looks Like Our Seahawk’s Can’t Be Beat!

It’s amazing how empty the streets are in and around Seattle when the Seahawks are playing. With their great winning streak everyone wants to see them play, our club included. We will be doing Seahawks viewing parties all around town. The last one was at “The Spot off main” and there were plenty of times you could not hear the commentary when the room was roaring.

We also hiked up the Cal Magnusson trail to Pinnacle Peak. It’s one of the most popular hikes in the Enumclaw area. A one-mile long forested trail climbs 1000-vertical feet to the top of the 1800-foot geological knob. Once we got to the top, we saw outcroppings of columnar basalt, the old footings of an old fire lookout and best of all, a spectacular view of Mt Rainier and the White River valley.

You may have been exhausted after our Self defense class like most of us, but you would have came away with a number of techniques and moves. It was great to have Martial Arts experts take us though all the moves and I’m sure I’m not the only one that feels a little more comfortable with what life could throw at you. Thanks Lee’s Martial Arts!

Curtis Event Manager Seattle

singles club members at the monday night howlin eventsingles club members doing the coolest things