Improve Your Love Life with Our Dating Tips for Men
Finding a partner has proven to be a challenge in recent years. In fact, 28% of women and 32% of men reported being single in the years of 2022 and 2023, and these numbers estimated to increase. With an increase in technology post-pandemic, dating has become even more difficult than ever before. Events & Adventures has come up with a blog full of dating tips for men and women that can help in their romantic endeavors.
Securing the Date
Of course, the first step is getting the date: where do you meet them, what should you do on the date, etc.
- Meeting people can be the most difficult part of the dating scene. Many people are working remotely – which can hinder the amount of people you may meet through coworkers, and that they feel more comfortable staying within their regular social groups, or simply are not open to talking to strangers in public. The best way to meet people is through a club like Events & Adventures, where we connect you with singles in your area through exclusive activities and experiences almost every day.
- Online dating apps can help you get in touch with a lot of singles, but very rarely do these matches make it off the apps. That’s where E&A comes in. You will get to meet a variety of singles in low-pressure environments. These icebreakers can help alleviate the nerves that come with meeting strangers in public, and can help you form friendships before they blossom.
- No matter what the situation, plan something to do. If you’re asking someone new on a date, keep the date short and simple – ask them to get coffee or a cocktail – so you can get to know more about them in a public and easy-going setting. Asking a current friend or acquaintance is easier since you know some of their likes and dislikes – you can find an activity that you both enjoy and still leave time for getting to know each other more. If you both are already E&A members, the activities are planned for you!
While On the Date
They said yes! Now that you have a date set, here are some dating tips for men and women that are crucial to know when you go:
- Be confident. Chances of being nervous while heading to a first date are high for both people involved. Going into a date with your head high and a sense of excitement can help both of you feel more at ease. Don’t set your expectations too high, but have a positive outlook on the situation and feel good about going on this date.
- Be engaged: Rule number one is to avoid picking up your phone! When you are constantly checking your phone for the time or any recent messages, it will make your date feel as though you are uninterested in being there and lower your chances of a second date. Maintain eye contact while you’re talking, don’t monopolize the conversation, and ask them questions to get the most out of your time.
- Have fun! Don’t treat a first date like an interview with set questions and a goal by the end of the night. Let the conversation flow and if you are enjoying yourselves, keep the date going! You don’t want to go into a date with extreme expectations of who you want them to be – live in the moment and let things happen how they may.
Events & Adventures can help you develop these healthy dating habits for any future dates you have. Meeting other members allows you to practice your confidence and engage with others, all while having the most fun. Who knows, maybe one of our members is the one for you!
After the Date
Whether you like this person or not, there are some key dating tips for men and women that will help you move forward with your date, or on to the next:
- Be honest with yourself and your date. It is important to know what you want in your own romantic life as well as how you feel about your date. If you like your date or you just see them as a friend, or perhaps you realized you’re not ready for something serious, it is important to tell them the truth to avoid hurt feelings and wasted time. You should also tell your date if you enjoyed their company. You can easily figure out your next steps by sharing how you feel the date went.
- Be consistent. It is important to maintain a consistent flow of communication if you would like to see this person again. Don’t text or call every day, but show your interest by asking about their day or when you can catch up in person. It is also important to maintain effort throughout the relationship, no matter how long it ends up being. Just because you went on the date does not mean you should stop doing things to show them you care. Keep planning dates and effectively communicating to help a potential relationship form.
- Keep calm. One of the best dating tips for men and women is to stay calm. Coming on too strong or becoming a little too obsessed with them can deter them from wanting to pursue you. It’s important to keep control of your emotions so you don’t end up getting hurt if they don’t feel the same way.
If you haven’t found the person you’ve been looking for, you might find them with Events & Adventures. Not only can we help you really understand what you want from romantic or platonic relationships, but we can help you maintain a single life if you want to put dating on hold.
Ready for a Better Dating Life?
Dating can be difficult, especially because it is getting even harder to meet people. With the help of a social circle and dating apps, the success of a relationship relies on good communication, consistent effort, and keeping a good head on your shoulders.
Of all the dating tips for men and women, our best suggestion would be to join Events & Adventures. We help you meet incredible singles in your area and get you to attend fun activities over 30 times each month, and thrilling international adventures several times a year! You’ll also meet an incredible group of people that can turn into lifelong friendships or partners. Whether you’re looking for that first date – or taking a break from the dating scene – Events & Adventures has the best of both worlds waiting for you. Get in touch with us today to get started!