How Singles Travel While Making Friends and Memories

Is your feed flooded with friends and influencers traveling the world with their partners? Are you feeling left out, like you can’t take these trips because you’re single? You’re not alone; nearly 50% of the US population is single! Like you, many like you can feel left out, missing opportunities to travel to special places because they lack that special someone to bring with them. Maybe traveling where you want with friends or companions is proving difficult for other reasons, like simply having different priorities and interests regarding what to see and do with available time and money.

The disconnect between your ideas and those of your friends can be what pushes you to consider traveling alone. A rebellious “I don’t need anyone else” spirit can take you farther than you might think.

Solo Travel Isn’t for Everyone

Some independent singles travel on their own, comfortable with making arrangements for one, flying solo and adventuring without companionship. It can be an excellent way to make your own decisions and execute them without anyone holding you back. Creating your own itinerary for two weeks in Europe or Asia and following through on it can be a tremendous accomplishment and source of self-pride. But for many, the positives don’t seem to outweigh the negatives:

  • Increased costs of travel (no splitting hotels or cabs, no group discounts on flights or itineraries)
  • Lack of safety in unfamiliar places and situations
  • Limited or no social interaction
  • Decision paralysis – nitpicking every aspect of your journey with no one to assist you

If plotting a solo trip is your thing, kudos for embracing your passion to see the world unfettered. Most people, though, feel the need to have friends, family, and/or partners to share in their worldly travels. After all, many of our greatest memories are made simply waiting in line, rather than at the attraction itself. If you’re in the camp that prefers a group to socialize with instead of hoping you find one along the way, your next questions are only “when” and “how much?”

Singles Travel Can Be Difficult…

For those of us with the passion to see the world but lacking the available friends or partners to share dream destinations with, how does a singles travel plan come together? Sure, there are touring companies that provide opportunities for singles to see what they want, when they want. But that typically involves congregating with your tour group the day of the trip, making the journey and enjoying your stay, then bidding farewell to the group. Upon returning home, it’s back to reality: you’re still single, out of things to do, and out of money after spending it all on the trip.

…But it Doesn’t Have to Be

Fortunately, there’s a better option for singles like you with the ambition for adventure.

Events & Adventures offers the benefits of tourist group travel, but with the added bonus of being among likeminded singles who you already know and trust! As a part of E&A, you’ll have the opportunity to meet up with other members up to 30 times each month. You’ll be introduced to all the local spots your area has to offer – meeting vetted singles and making fun memories. As you spend more time with us and faces become more familiar, you may find you’re ready for more. That’s where our passion for travel enters the picture. With recent trips to destinations like India, China, Alaska, Machu Picchu in Peru, and Spain, Events & Adventures is constantly planning once-in-a-lifetime excitement for its nationwide members. How does E&A provide a superior experience for single travelers?

  • Familiarity – You’ll travel with locals from your area club, as well as other members from around the country. It’s the perfect setting for building bonds with new friends and strengthening bonds with established ones.
  • Locations, locations, locations – Live in South Florida and craving a trip down to the Keys? We do it. Want to bundle up, trek where few have and visit Antarctica? Yes, we go there, too. Whether you want a vacation or a staycation, Events & Adventures offers endless opportunities all year, every year.
  • Guides – Our Event Managers plan everything so you can show up and have the time of your life!
  • Price – Take advantage of group rates and save on your flight and hotel accommodations, as well as daily excursions.
  • Safety – Nothing is worse than worrying about your safety, especially when you’re trying to have fun. We know our stuff and steer clear of unsafe areas. E&A has over 30 years of experience in planning safe travels for its members!
  • Age – There’s something for everyone when you travel with us, whether you’re in your 20s, your 50s, or anywhere between. Finding the right trip buddies is easy when you travel with Events & Adventures!

Enticed yet? You just may be ready to stamp your passport with E&A. We know that everyone is on a different path with a different arrival time. Live in the moment and enjoy the trip you’re taking – we’ll help you reach your destination. Call us at 800-386-0866 to get started on fun, friendship, and singles travel with Events & Adventures.

singles club members taking over vegasTampa singles club members enjoying a night out