Are Dating Apps Sharing Your Personal Information?

It seems like almost every day we learn of another report on the news where a large company has been hacked, or maybe even intentionally, releases information. What does this mean though? Is it really applicable to us? The answer—ABSOLUTELY!

Information is one of the most coveted assets for online scammers–especially when it comes to your personal information. From dating to banking, we do it all online, automatically assuming these apps and services have the necessary protections in place to keep our information safe. However, dating services in particular have long been held up to scrutiny regarding the effectiveness of their security for their love-seeking members.

What’s Happening?
The most notable, and maybe most morally questionable, breach occurred with Ashley Madison in 2016. The dating site, which promotes discreet affairs for married individuals, uses the slogan, “Life is Short. Have an Affair.” to attract potential members. In 2016, the most popular dating site you’ve never heard of leaked information about 37 million of its members. Not so discreet!

Many dating apps and websites have since followed suit, with evidence of major security flaws, full breaches, and worst of all, intentional sharing of information. The sidestep shuffle around US and international security laws has allowed some sites to release private information such as location data, employment information, sexual preference/orientation data, personal details, phone numbers, and more. Not only does this expose us to potential financial security threats, but to a full range of interpersonal issues such as identity theft or harassment. For example, how comfortable would you be with your dating profile showing up in a potential employer’s search? Or if your neighbor could look up your sexual orientation? By nature, these sites host a variety of private details that may not be as protected as we are sometimes led to believe.

Meet People Naturally
There are more natural ways of dating that do not have to involve profiles, endless swiping, and potential exposure of your private information. Events & Adventures lets you put the phone down and truly meet people face-to-face, without the usual discomfort of first dates. A membership with Events & Adventures allows you to choose your favorite activities from over 30 dynamic events per month, and the best part is, everyone there will be single! It is the nation’s largest social club for singles where the only information shared is the kind whispered over wine at dinner, or yelled from the tops of your favorite mountain trails. With so many activities, everyone can find something they love to do, without the pressure of making a connection. It’s about making genuine connections and friendships, and learning to just have fun!

You could take the time to hack-proof your profiles or look into privacy agreements, or you could come to Events & Adventures, where none of that stuff matters. Besides, chances are you’ll find someone here who will spark your interest enough to delete all the useless apps. Break up with online dating and visit us at

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