A Gourmet Feast!

Seeing that we have already celebrated Thanksgiving here in Canada, it was fitting that we visited Kitchen Riddles in Burnaby last night and made a gourmet feast of our own.  Getting instruction from Chef Ben and being looked after by owners Antonio and Morgan, we surely dined in style last night!! While some of us do cook and have some chopping skills, not all of us knew the fancy names of certain dicing techniques, nor did we know how easy it was to make our own ricotta, (and cheaper).  We started by dicing and chopping mushrooms, shallots & garlic and added Ricotta to make our very own ravioli stuffing.  Next, getting our pasta thin enough to make ravioli, all kinds of shapes, some stuffed more than others, but all delicious.  Topped with a arugula salad we took our plated upstairs to dine together in candlelight!! Once we were finished our main, we made our way back down to the kitchen to learn how to make a delicious and rich, melting Chocolate Lava cake, of course with hand whipped cream flavoured with Bailey’s.  Now the pictures tell the true story – we are really big goofballs when it comes to cleaning up bowls and spoons with deliciousness all over!! Couldn’t have been tastier or more fun!!  We all left with full tums and a little more knowledge of how easy it is to cook really yummy food…Yum – Yum

Ambrea Event Manager Vancouver

singles club members at the high ropes eventSanta Clara Singles drinking wine